The death of conservativism in Alberta - Ask Abe

The original grassroots Wildrosers are either sparse or quiet. A new breed of progressive conservative is now running the show. And I lament the intellectual decline amongst its adherents.

I’ll call them conservative-commies. Conservative-commies? What the hell is that? It is people who publicly state that they are conservative, yet espouse policy positions that align with progressive commies (or just commies).

For years I have debated, fought, argued with, and corrected these fake conservatives. They, unbeknownst to themselves, have joined hands with the NDP and promote the destruction of everything we wish to conserve. Allow me to illustrate some of the braindead doozies you’ll find littering their Facebook pages:

  1. COVID never existed.
  2. Canada doesn’t have a constitution.
  3. The courts need to be abolished.
  4. The Senate needs to be abolished.
  5. Canada is a dictatorship.
  6. The earth is flat.
  7. The moon landing never occurred.
  8. Corporations are bad (ex. Pharmaceuticals).
  9. Popular vote electoral reform.

Now as you peruse this improv list, you can see that several, if not the majority of these positions are literal communist talking points. Seriously. Admittedly, one seems to smell more of hyperbole (5) and two superficially seem to express the inadequacy of our educational system (6, 7). But deeper analysis shows that even these outliers are currents pushing Marxism.

What is the objective of communism? It is to destroy our institutions and set up an alternative (communist) system. And it is to demoralize us and breed self-hatred. The means are represented in those 9 points above.

When you wish to destroy the courts or the Senate, when you wish to change our electoral system to be purely democratic, you have been brainwashed by communist propaganda. You are actively assisting the NDP in destroying the only safeguards we have to repel totalitarianism.

When you try to undermine the West’s greatest accomplishments (7), accomplishments that communism has been unable to facilitate, you are assisting Leninism.

When you assert the world is flat (6), you are proof that Marxism has infiltrated our schools and our media. Denial of scientific progress abruptly halts scientific progress. If they can make you believe the world is flat, they can make you believe anything, including a vote for Mao.

Communism hates corporations. For their success, private industry must be demonized and destroyed. The left is actively promoting the destruction of numerous industries from oil to cattle. But surprisingly, the commie conservatives are on the same page and are promoting the destruction of the pharmaceutical industry. This is the same ideology; it’s just focused on different businesses. 

Allow me to peel back this stupidity for a moment by looking closer at number 8. Any infraction, public health damage, or sketchy activity that any pharmaceuticals are involved in, is not the fault of corporations, it is the fault of the government. If you think that big industry (the 1%) needs to be taken down a notch and controlled, then you have misplaced your anger and been redirected by commies to villainize the wrong source. Any damage the public suffered from COVID vaccinations falls flatly on the government's shoulders. Who exactly was it that changed the regulations to allow a lower bar of approval for COVID vaccinations? Who mandated that the COVID vaccines were exempted from civil litigation and class action suits? Who is it that allows large corporate donations to fund campaign runs? The government. Big government is the problem, not big companies.

What of COVID denial (1)? Where did COVID come from? A communist country. COVID denial covers culpability and potential retaliatory action.

And speaking of COVID, to this day, I still debate people who think that the vaccine put a microchip in people's blood, one that (as they smugly explain) can take control of people’s minds. And if that wasn’t bad enough, many of these self-acclaimed sages adamantly believe that cell phone towers can shoot energy blasts at these chip-implanted people to incinerate them. Why incinerate them if you can control them? 

These are the things that this new weird breed of commie-conservative talks about. They are progressive conservatives, occult conservatives, and pothead conservatives – not oxymorons, just morons. They are fake conservatives blended with ignorant conservatives. So allow me to appeal to the merely ignorant, please listen so you can wake up from being unconsciously woke. 

If you think Joe Rogan, Russel Brand or Bill Maher are conservative, then you may be too far gone to find. Each one of these unfortunate chaps adores Bernie Sanders. If your go-to commentators lean heavily on Dave Rubin or Tim Pool, you might want to rethink your political alignment: for they were liberals yesterday and have barely dipped their toes into the conservative bath. Classical liberals are not conservative, hence the “liberal” qualifier. Don’t be duped into supporting someone who accidentally hits a conservative nail on the head, all the while he is building a progressive citadel. 

You see, these NDP-conservatives (commie-cons, whatever, anyone that claims to be conservative yet supports NDP policy, all the while purporting to hate the NDP) have ignorantly steered the province to crown Danielle Smith as our Premier. She is socially homogenous to Trudeau and Rachel Notley. But because she is a gifted liar and they have a short attention span, they think she’s the reincarnation of Ralph Kline. The reality is that in short order she has begun to destroy Alberta faster than any NDP commie could have dreamt. I have never seen this level of destruction by any other Premier predecessor. 


1.  Supports Trudeau’s Carbon Tax. She only disagrees with its implementation date and wants it 10 years later. And yet morons think she is fighting Trudeau? If you hate the carbon tax and support Danielle Smith, you have a cognoscente dissidence (or, you might just be stupid).

2.  Legalized Children Sex Transitioning in Alberta. Yes, children can now legally change their sex in Alberta because of Danielle Smith. She passed the law and moronic commie conservatives applaud her like clapping seals: they think she’s fighting the rainbow cult even as she legislates children having sex changes. Hey stupid, she is the rainbow cult!

3.  Handguns are gone. When Trudeau banned certain rifles, Kenny said this law wouldn’t be enforced in Alberta. Danielle continued that policy but did not extend it to Trudeau’s new handgun ban. Danielle has essentially done NOTHING on the gun front and allowed the handgun ban.

4.  Danielle supported Transexual reading hour in the libraries. She supported a pastor's right to protest it, but she also supported Tranny-sexual indoctrination of youth in government facilities.

5.  Danielle rolled back the educational curriculum reforms that Kenny undertook. Kenny had removed sections of the curriculum that promoted the sexualization of our kids. Danielle is reverting this, so now our curriculums woke on steroids. Thanks Danielle.

6.  Alberta broke the law under Kenny by enforcing vaccination testing. But Danielle is refusing to pay out restitution. Let that sink in for a minute. Danielle campaigned and defeated Kenny on Kenny’s stupid adherence to these policies. Good citizens later challenged this in the courts and it was found to be illegal. The government was found to have illegally violated its citizens' rights and cost them money. Now, Danielle is refusing to pay restitution. She is defending the very policies she campaigned against; she is forcing Albertans to sue her (the government) to correct the injustice. The woman is wicked. I paid about 3000 dollars to NOT be vaccinated. This was enforced by the Alberta government. They made me pay. I want my money back. And Danielle is telling me to f*ck off.

If you just read this and became defensive of Danielle, you’re an idiot. You need to quit pretending and just vote NDP and join the next Pride parade.

Or maybe I’m just crazy

Ask Abe. 
